Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's not what you think...and it is. Today's funny is brought to us by Lauran (2 years, 4 mos) - She has discovered a freckle on her right knee and likes to point it out each time she sees it. Problem is that when she says "Freckle", it sounds like another "F" word. This takes me back to when Jacob was about the same age and struggled with the word "truck". Having Jacob say "dumptruck" was a particularly funny party trick for quite some time. My kids attempts to grasp English pronunciation should provide comic relief for years to come. And when they outgrow this stage, I'll just ask my dad to say "ambulance"...;)


  1. I went through the same thing when my oldest son, then around 2, would go around saying "broccoli". It sounded more like "f^&*y". Took me DAYS to figure out what he was really trying to say.
